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Just in case you missed it, we had an active Webinar for cPanel & WHM 11.38 yesterday morning that can be watched here:https:

This webinar featured myself (Technical Product Specialist team), Phil King from the Angry Llamas Scrum team (IPv6), Felipe Gasper from the Cobra Scrum team (SSL), Brian Carlson from the Release Team, and Eric Ellis, cPanel’s Director of Development Operations.

We covered the features available in 11.38 and concluded with a short Q&A session at the end. We were unable to get to all the questions asked, but we went through and picked up some that were recurring and answered them here:

Why wasn’t Amazon S3 support added by default?
We added support for things that we were able to fit into our development time constraints. We have documentation on how to add support for things like S3 in the mean time here:

Why isn’t there rsync support?
Much like S3, this was an option that didn’t fall in line with the development time constraints since our customers want the focus on IPv6.

Will there be future improvements to the Backup System?

How is cPanel working on IPv6?
Come and see us at HostingCon booth #323 to talk to the guy heading up this project!

Will SNI(Server Name Indication) let me run multiple shopping carts on the same IP address?
Yes, you can run as many shopping carts as you’d like to on the same IP address.

How will Windows XP customers be affected by SNI?
The only XP customers that will be affected are those running IE on XP. If you run any other browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera) you will be completely fine. If you are running XP and IE together, you will get an invalid certificate notification. It is worth noting that even Microsoft is phasing out standard support for XP:

How can I get some of these new features sooner?
Join the edge-users mailing list and give us your feedback!