Today is the first day of the 2018 cPanel Conference. We’re in the middle of setting everything up right now, getting ready to open up conference check-in and registration, and anticipating tonight’s networking party at Chapman and Kirby.

We’ve spent the last 12 months planning this year’s conference, and we are ready to rock!

Return of the Lab!

This year the cPanel Lab is returning. In case you are unfamiliar, the cPanel Lab is a collection of 20-minute, sharply-focused talks. Everything from AR to Docker to using AWS and EFS to extend /home can be found in the San Felipe meeting room.


In case you missed Ryan’s post last week, this year we’re continuing our version-specific certification. Getting certified is well worth the hour of your time. The University has evolved so much in the last few years, and now includes a ton of training on top of a slew of worthwhile certifications. If you aren’t yet convinced, stop by the Westchester room and talk to our the trainers.

Exhibitors and Sponsors

The annual cPanel Conference wouldn’t be possible without the continued support from our sponsors. Thanks to them, breakfast, coffee, and lunch are all included in the conference. Make sure to stop by and thank WHMCS for being our New Horizons sponsor this year, and for sponsoring our Monday Night event! We are happy to have CloudLinux, Comodo, JetApps all returning to exhibit this year. We’re also excited to see ICC, Rackspace, Monarx, and Halon exhibiting this year! BoldGrid is providing our charging station, and Litespeed our lanyards. Don’t forget to thank Hivelocity and Ubersmith for their sponsorship of our meals and snacks. Rack911 sponsored the tracks this year, and you’ll see they provided glasses for our breaks. Perfect Dashboard is sponsoring our Game Night on Wednesday, ensuring that we all end the week properly.

Make sure to stop by all of our Exhibitors’ booths between sessions, and stop any of the sponsors you see around to say thank you!!

See you soon!

In case you missed last weeks blog post, take a look at the checklist that we put together for you, and get excited!

More than 90 members of the cPanel staff will be joining us for this year’s conference. Every team at cPanel is represented in some way, from Customer Service to our SysAdmins and even our Desktop Administration team. We’d all love to talk to you about any challenges you’re facing or questions you have. Find anyone in a Staff shirt, and say “Hello!”