As of today we are just 34 short days away from the 2017 cPanel Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. You’ve seen the details on the website, and read about the venues on the blog, but if you haven’t read the talk schedule you’re missing the best part of the conference. I’m going to highlight a few of the talks I’m most excited about, and then each Wednesday up to the conference you’re going to hear from different speakers from this year’s lineup. Let’s talk about my biggest excitements, first.

5 Minute Fixes for cPanel

Tuesday, 1:15pm

This is a talk we’ve had proposed a few times, but we’ve never been able to make it fit. The idea is that you (as a cPanel Conference attendee) would come to the talk with your most inconsequential and annoying problem, and one of our panel of developers will try to fix it in 5 minutes. You want to bring the thing that isn’t looking for a new feature, or a new interface, but is something that makes you want to throw your computer every time you encounter it. We want to fix those problems, and getting right in front of the smartest developers at cPanel will get it fixed. The bonus: if all goes the way we want it to, we’ll be able to issue a new build of cPanel & WHM that includes all of these fixes by the following week.

Security Roundtable in the WebHosting Industry

Wednesday, 11:00am

This one is always a hit at cPanel conference, and this year I expect no difference. We’ve pulled some incredible folks, from both inside and outside cPanel, and with a moderator like Scott you know you’ll get great conversations going.

Product Development AMA

Wednesday, 3:00pm

A Product Owner, a Community Manager, and The Vice President of Product Dev walk into a room… and then allow the crowd to ask as many questions as they can in a 60 minute window. This is gonna be the best chance you’ll get for getting answers to your burning questions. Questions like “How do I get grilled cheese off my ceiling?” and “What color is this?” and (my favorite) “What is your favorite kind of donut?”.

Are you registered yet?

This year we’ve already achieved record registration numbers, and are anticipating setting an all-time high. This conference is gonna be one for the history books, and if you don’t have your ticket yet, what’s holding you back? Our group rate at the illustrious W Hotel, Fort Lauderdale is only valid until September 1st and it’s definitely at risk of selling out. Don’t miss out on your chance to be in the middle of the action!

Can’t wait to see you there!


Today’s post composed while listening to this great morning playlist that I made about a million years ago. On Winamp. Which, like cPanel, is also 20 years old this year. Good grief.