The WHMCS team is incredibly excited to be sponsoring and taking part in cPanel Conference for another year.

Thanks to our special relationship with cPanel, the cPanel conference provides a unique opportunity to connect with important partners and vendors that are part of the cPanel ecosystem and has proven itself to be a great event for bringing together people from all over the industry.

The conference is taking place in our second home of Houston, Texas October 1 – 3. We will have members of our development team, our support team, and our executive team on site ready to chat! Throughout the conference, we invite you to drop by our booth to discuss any questions you might have or just say hello.

If you would like to set up a one-on-one meeting with any of our team, you can also request a meeting through

Kicking off the conference in style, we are teaming up with cPanel to host the opening reception on Monday night, October 1st, at Chapman & Kirby []. Enjoy the open bar and finger foods from 7-to-11pm while catching up with friends and colleagues in the industry. The venue is located on the east side of downtown Houston, and a shuttle will be available to bring attendees to and from the venue.

This year, we’re also pleased to announce that two of our team members, Artem Kamshilin and I, will be holding talks on the topics below:

Demystifying High Availability WHMCS

In this talk, we’ll explore the considerations for high availability implementation of a web application and look at how those relate to WHMCS, and then we’ll explore the possible solutions and how such an implementation may look and work using a popular cloud hosting solution.

Matt Pugh, CEO & Founder, WHMCS

Leveraging Docker-Compose for Local Dev Environment

Docker and containers are great ways to simplify your production system, but they are also a great way to set up and maintain a local development environment. WHMCS has been using docker internally for three years. By building out a full local stack, we can do our work anywhere. We’ll show you how to get started in minutes and some of the more advanced things we’ve found useful. If you are a web developer or support developers on a DevOps team, this 20-minute lab will get you started.

Learn about how we use Docker internally, and how you too can use it to set up and maintain a local development replica of your production system for testing. We’ll show you how to get started in minutes and some of the more advanced things we’ve found useful.

Artem Kamshilin, Senior Developer, WHMCS

Be sure to check them out!

Find out more about cPanel Conference 2018 and how to attend here:

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!