If you missed it, we debuted a new look for the cPanel brand at WHD.Global in Rust Germany. The new look is sleek, futuristic, and now personifies our focus on building the hosting platform of choice for the web hosting industry.
With 11.50, we took the new cPanel brand and incorporated it throughout the product. You’ll find cPanel’s new brand the very second you log in, while you maintain your server or update your websites, and on into your email inbox with our new service notifications.
In the near future, we will be retiring X3, the previous generation user interface for cPanel and webmail. With 11.50, we have added a number of tools available to system administrators to help you move away from X3: modify_packages and modify_accounts.
You can update all of the packages you offer to your customers by using the new /scripts/modify_packages script. Using modify_accounts, you can directly upgrade individual user accounts.
These straight-forward scripts are incredibly easy to use. For example, you can migrate end user accounts away from X3 to Paper Lantern by doing:
/scripts/modify_accounts --theme=paper_lantern --users=jim,jill,jack,jenny
As a result Jim, Jill, Jack, and Jenny’s accounts are now set to Paper Lantern. To migrate all of your accounts, do the following:
/scripts/modify_accounts --theme=paper_lantern --all-users
With the modify_accounts script, there’s even a way to target the users associated with a specific reseller on the machine.
The modify_packages script works in exactly the same manner. Individual packages can be listed by name, or you can provide the –all-packages flag to update all of the hosting packages on the machine.
We hope that these tools come in very handy for everyone as we retire X3. More news about it’s impending deprecation will be published here, so stay tuned!