2022 cPanel Partner License Pricing Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pricing Questions
    • When were Partners notified of the price adjustment?

      All Partners were emailed at their primary email address on file on September 28th, 2022.

    • When does the new pricing go into effect?

      New pricing goes into effect on December 16, 2022. New license rates will be billed on the first invoice of 2023.

    • What is the license pricing for Partners as of December 16, 2022?

      The new partner list prices for the license tiers will be: Solo $7.70, Admin $16.50, Pro $23.00, Plus $33.00 and Premier $43.00. Each bulk user on a Premier license will cost $0.225. All prices are published in the 2023 Partner Licence Guide.

    • Why is cPanel adjusting its prices?

      Like all companies, we must periodically assess the impact of our pricing to ensure we are aligned with the value our products deliver as well as with our own cost structure. In addition, this adjustment in pricing allows us to continue to innovate, maintain, and enhance our existing products and services.

    • How long are these prices valid for?

      We currently evaluate our license pricing on an annual basis. The pricing that goes into effect on December 16, 2022, will remain valid at least through the end of 2023.

    • Do I need to do anything ahead of the pricing adjustment, or will this change cause any disruption to my business?

      No action is required from you. This change only affects our billing and invoicing processes, which will be automatically updated.

      However, one main reason for communicating the new pricing to you roughly three months in advance is to give you enough time to prepare price change notifications to your customers, as well as any changes on existing graphics, etc.

    • Can my net payment terms be extended to accommodate the price adjustment?

      Payment terms are set in your Partner agreement.

    • What did I get out of the last price increase? Will there be additional benefits being provided as a result of the price change?

      We strive to deliver the best tools available on the market to our partners. Over the last 12 months, we’ve continued to listen and deliver on many critical features and capabilities. Highlights of new products and enhancements in 2022 include a more modern interface, NGINX caching, and support for Ubuntu. Additional OS support (including Rocky Linux) is on the way. We are also continually improving our security efforts and protocols to combat and mitigate issues stemming from third-party software components.

  • License Questions
    • The Solo license is available on Metal for Partners. Why aren’t the other packages / license types available on Metal?

      Most of our partners who operate at scale with shared hosting environments leverage large bare metal servers to deliver the resources they need to service their customers. We have found that customers that don’t operate at scale (less than 100 users), generally leverage cloud-based resources.

    • Can I change between license tiers leading up to December 16, 2022?

      Yes. You can log into your customer portal, or via the API, to upgrade or downgrade any licenses as needed during the notification period (September 28 through December 31, 2022). On December 16, 2022, all pricing will be automatically adjusted accordingly.

    • Is the license model changing this year?

      No, we are not changing the licensing model.

    • Will the SKUs change?

      No, our SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) will remain the same. The existing SKUs will continue being used with the adjusted pricing.

    • Will you offer a license with basic features at a lower price for smaller companies? I don’t need all the features you offer and cannot afford the price increase.

      We do not have plans to offer a reduced functionality version of our products.

  • Other Questions
    • You allowed partners to defer the 2019 cPanel price adjustment. Are deferrals available for 2023?

      No. We allowed certain partners who met pre-defined eligibility requirements to defer their 2019 price adjustment while they modified their internal systems to accommodate our license model change. For 2023, we are not adjusting the licensing model and therefore no deferrals are available this time.

    • Are there any incentives or discounts available for Partners?

      Yes. As a partner you receive all licenses at a discounted price (compared to our store customers). Additional discounts exist for partners who become certified; we always encourage you to reach out to your Account Manager for assistance in understanding how to get the most out of this partnership, including revenue tier discounts. An attractive new partner program initiative will also be introduced in the coming months that will provide additional options to get MDFs.

    • My small shared hosting business is no longer cost-effective, what should I do?

      Businesses can either pass the additional cost on to end-customers by increasing their prices respectively, or they can absorb the cost.

      If they choose to pass the cost on, an appropriate communication towards end-customers is crucial with the announcement of increase made as far in advance as possible.

    • Will the discount programs offered for non-profit and educational institutions be affected?

      No, we are not changing our non-profit or educational licensing or pricing. If you are from a non-profit organization or educational institution, please contact customer service.

    • Is the WHMCS automation suite ready for the price adjustment?

      Yes. Because we are adjusting pricing and not the license model, WHMCS is ready and able to accommodate the adjusted pricing on December 16, 2022. In the event you are using a different billing solution, please contact your Account Manager or the Partner Success team to discuss your specific needs.

    • I wasn't notified of a price change. How do I find out if my price is changing?

      You should have received an email from cPanel. If you haven't received an email from detailing these changes, you can check the email address associated with your cPanel account to confirm where the communication was sent. You can find more information about our new pricing here, or by downloading the 2023 cPanel Partner License Guide.

    • Will there be changes to Ukrainian partner billing?

      We currently have no plans to make any changes regarding our partners in Ukraine.

    • I have a question that has not been answered here. Who should I contact?

      Please contact your Account manager or Partner Success Team.