{"id":43942,"date":"2016-07-21T13:00:00","date_gmt":"2016-07-21T18:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/blog.cpanel.com\/?p=43942"},"modified":"2016-07-21T13:00:00","modified_gmt":"2016-07-21T18:00:00","slug":"development-update-58-is-coming-and-60-is-beginning","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/devel.www.cpanel.net\/blog\/products\/development-update-58-is-coming-and-60-is-beginning\/","title":{"rendered":"Development Update: 58 is coming, and 60 is beginning!"},"content":{"rendered":"

This month was good to the cPanel development team. With cPanel & WHM version 58 in CURRENT, we’re laser focused on fixing bugs and building new features for version 60. We’re hoping to see version 58 make it to RELEASE next week, which will allow us to release a public build of version 60 for the EDGE tier, and we’re very close to publishing a new plugin. There’s a lot of motion, so let’s take a look!<\/p>\n

AutoSSL and Let’s Encrypt support<\/h1>\n

AutoSSL<\/a> is a new feature included as part of\u00a0cPanel & WHM version 58. This feature, when enabled, automatically installs DV SSLs that are backed by COMODO. As soon as Let’s Encrypt came on the scene, we knew that we wanted to be able to support\u00a0Let’s Encrypt in AutoSSL<\/span> as well. We also knew that it could take Let’s Encrypt’s code a while to stabilize, though. That meant that we had to be able to adjust our code for any changes made by Let’s Encrypt quickly. Much more quickly than our typical\u00a0development cycle<\/a> would allow. What we’ve decided to do is allow Let’s Encrypt support for AutoSSL through a cPanel-provided plugin. Our original plan included a plugin that would support 56 and above, but due to some problems that would cause a compromise in quality the plugin will only support 58 and above.<\/p>\n

The current plan is to release the plugin in RPM form to the general public in the next few weeks, and add it to the WHM ‘Manage Plugins’ interface in version 60. If you want to know when the plugin is released,\u00a0subscribe to the Let’s Encrypt feature request<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Deprecations and Removals<\/h1>\n

As is the nature of technology, we’re letting some very old parts of cPanel & WHM go in order to make room for new improvements to be added. For example, if your server is running on CentOS 5 or a 32-bit OS,\u00a0you won’t be able to upgrade to version 58<\/a>. Similarly, both x3 and\u00a0EasyApache 3<\/a> are on their way out.<\/p>\n

Related: if you are still using x3, and aren’t ready to upgrade to Paper Lantern, we want to know what’s holding you back. Send me an email<\/a>, and help us make Paper Lantern a better solution for everyone.<\/p>\n

Anticipated features in cPanel & WHM version 60<\/h1>\n

It’s still a bit early to be absolutely sure about these features, but here’s what we’ve got so far.<\/p>\n


PowerDNS is a robust and proven technology, that’s been around almost as long as cPanel. Our current plan is to add PowerDNS to the product, and work toward removing NSD and MyDNS. cPanel & WHM version 60 will only include support for PowerDNS in a full cPanel & WHM server. DNSOnly support will be added in a later release. We will provide internal migration from all of our currently supported systems to PowerDNS. If you prefer one of the other applications over PowerDNS, please (PLEASE!)\u00a0send me an email<\/a>. I want to hear about it! With your input we can either solve any problems or adjust appropriately.<\/p>\n

If you want to follow the progress of this feature, be sure to subscribe to the\u00a0feature request<\/a>.<\/p>\n


The addition of PowerDNS makes it very easy to also add\u00a0DNSSEC support. In case you aren’t familiar with DNSSEC, the simplest explanation is that it’s an improvement to the original DNS system that increases the security of DNS lookups. This addition is just in its infancy, so I’ll hopefully have a lot more information about this next month. Additionally,\u00a0I’ll update the\u00a0DNSSEC feature request<\/a> as soon as this is available in a public EDGE build. If you want to keep tabs on it, make sure you subscribe there.<\/p>\n

Account creation and termination speedups<\/h3>\n

We’ve heard from a lot of our customers (and our QA team) that account creations and terminations were slow, and cumbersome. We have already spent a good amount of time on this one, and have been able to reduce account creation and termination times drastically. I can’t wait for all of our users to be able to benefit from these improvements.<\/p>\n

Some more stuff<\/h1>\n

Here are a few of the other features from the feature request site that we’re working on for inclusion v60.<\/p>\n