{"id":44702,"date":"2016-09-29T11:00:00","date_gmt":"2016-09-29T16:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/blog.cpanel.com\/?p=44702"},"modified":"2016-09-29T11:00:00","modified_gmt":"2016-09-29T16:00:00","slug":"development-update-september-2016-edition","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/devel.www.cpanel.net\/blog\/products\/development-update-september-2016-edition\/","title":{"rendered":"Development Update: September 2016 Edition"},"content":{"rendered":"

September was a busy month here at cPanel, and lots has happened since last month’s development update<\/a>. Between putting the finishing touches on version 60 (due out next month), and preparing for next week’s\u00a0cPanel conference in Portland, Oregon<\/a> there has been all kinds of buzzing. Let’s talk about where we’re at!<\/p>\n

Coming in version 60<\/h1>\n

Version 60 is just around the corner, and will likely hit the CURRENT tier in early October.\u00a0Last month I talked a little bit about three of the new features that are included in version 60: DNSSEC<\/a>,\u00a0PowerDNS<\/a> and SNI support for cPanel’s services<\/a>, but there’s a whole lot more to version 60.<\/p>\n

PHP-FPM Management<\/h2>\n

PHP-FPM is an incredibly fast PHP handler that has been available to EasyApache 4 users for quite a while, but required additional manual configuration on the command line. In version 60 we’re adding the ability to manage PHP-FPM<\/a> and the userpools in WHM without having to manually configure anything! Just enable PHP-FPM in your EasyApache 4 profile, then go to the MultiPHP interface in WHM to manage your users.<\/p>\n


Next month PHP-FPM will get its own blog post discussing all of the details of our implementation, since there are so many options. I can’t wait to share!<\/p>\n

Migrate to EasyApache 4 in WHM<\/h2>\n

You have been able to migrate to EasyApache 4 for more than a year, but in version 60 we’re making it even easier by adding an interface to WHM. To enable the interface in version 60 you will need to either be on the EDGE or CURRENT tiers. If you would like to see this interface but are running on the RELEASE or STABLE tiers, you can<\/span> enable the interface by running this command:<\/p>\n

touch \/var\/cpanel\/feature_toggles\/ea4migration<\/code><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

You will then see the migration interface in your WHM sidebar, and you can give it a shot there! I want to mention that a lot of edge-case problems have cropped up with customized installations, so definitely take a look at the ‘Current Status of EasyApache 4<\/a>‘ documentation to see if now is a good time to migrate for you!<\/p>\n

Paper Lantern Style Management<\/h2>\n

With version 60 we’re no longer shipping our legacy theme X3, and will only be shipping Paper Lantern. It makes perfect sense, then, that we’re adding a style management interface! In WHM you will now be able to manage your cPanel styles with ease, including setting a default for all of your users and uploading a new style! Users can still choose<\/span>\u00a0their own style in cPanel, and won’t be effected by you adjusting the default if they’ve already chosen their preferred style.<\/p>\n


You will also be able to download existing styles, which give you an extremely easy starting point for creating your own!<\/p>\n

In case you are still using X3, I wanted to answer a few FAQs<\/span><\/h3>\n