{"id":45357,"date":"2017-04-18T12:00:00","date_gmt":"2017-04-18T17:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/blog.cpanel.com\/?p=45357"},"modified":"2017-04-18T12:00:00","modified_gmt":"2017-04-18T17:00:00","slug":"managing-zone-editing-permissions-in-cpanel","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/devel.www.cpanel.net\/blog\/products\/managing-zone-editing-permissions-in-cpanel\/","title":{"rendered":"Managing Zone Editing Permissions in cPanel"},"content":{"rendered":"
As of cPanel & WHM version 60, the cPanel interface had four different places that allowed you to edit your zone files in different ways.\u00a0<\/span>The\u00a0Simple DNS Editor<\/em>\u00a0(cPanel >> Domains >> Simple DNS Editor<\/em>)\u00a0allowed the user to setup A records, and CNAMEs records. The\u00a0Advanced DNS Editor<\/em>\u00a0(cPanel >> Domains >> Advanced DNS Editor)<\/em>\u00a0provided the ability to setup, edit, and delete records such as TXT records, SRV records, and AAAA records. The MX Entry interface provided the ability to set MX records.\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n
Needless to say, this has always been very complicated for the end-user to understand, and it is complicated for our development team to track<\/span>\u00a0the different places a user could change DNS settings.\u00a0<\/span>We wanted to condense this all down into a single interface so that users could have one-stop-shopping experience for solving their DNS needs. This new interface\u00a0<\/span>would provide users the ability to\u00a0<\/span>change a multitude of DNS settings in one\u00a0place, through a clean and updated interface.\u00a0<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Managing permissions in the The Zone Editor<\/h2>\n

In cPanel & WHM version 62 our\u00a0Development Team introduced the new Zone Editor Interface (cPanel >> Domains >> Zone Editor<\/em>) into cPanel & WHM. This interface combined the Simple and Advanced Zone editors, and provided a significantly improved user experience over both of them.<\/p>\n


The benefits were immediately seen, and our users loved the simplified interface. The feedback we have gotten from them has been great to hear! <\/span><\/p>\n

However, many Hosting Providers still wanted to limit and control the specific editing permissions that a cPanel user can perform. For that reason, we wanted to provide\u00a0the\u00a0functionality that these hosts\u00a0have had for many years in the new Zone Editor interface.<\/span><\/p>\n

In order to provide that functionality, we have left the ‘Simple’, ‘Advanced’, and ‘MX Entry’ feature permissions in the WHM feature manager<\/a> interface. Historically these features would define whether or not the interfaces were viewable in cPanel. This also ensures that all existing accounts retain their settings, and require no action from webhosts.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Here\u2019s a breakdown of how those feature permissions work with the new Zone Editor:<\/span><\/p>\n