{"id":5062,"date":"2013-02-05T15:58:08","date_gmt":"2013-02-05T21:58:08","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/blog.cpanel.net\/?p=5062"},"modified":"2013-02-05T15:58:08","modified_gmt":"2013-02-05T21:58:08","slug":"blog-kick-off","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/devel.www.cpanel.net\/blog\/products\/blog-kick-off\/","title":{"rendered":"Introducing the Most Stable, Best Looking and Most Dependable Web Hosting Platform Ever, cPanel!"},"content":{"rendered":"

The results are in, 2012 ended on a high note for us at cPanel! <\/p>\n

I\u2019d like to take a moment here and look back at some of the changes we\u2019ve made over the course of the past year and how those changes has turned an exciting, prosperous, and very busy 2012 for this company as a whole, into something that is already generating a great deal of momentum for us, going into 2013. Full speed ahead!<\/p>\n

But first, a message from our sponsors! In what can only be described as our largest and most successful conference ever, for cPanel, Inc., the cPanel Conference 2012 in Houston, Texas last year was a major milestone in many ways. In 2013, we\u2019re taking this Conference thing to a whole other level: cPanel Conference – New Orleans 2013<\/a>!<\/p>\n

In cPanel & WHM version 11.34<\/a>, we introduced a fresh look and feel for WHM and several new features including Web Disk Support, Email Archiving, and a new Hooks Management interface. cPanel\u2019s Development, Quality Assurance and Support teams really pulled together to roll out a stable code base for us in 2012, and this has resulted in a very strong, and feature packed release, going into 2013. <\/p>\n

Nick Koston, CEO at cPanel, Inc. declared that, \u201cto date, this was our most stable release in the history of cPanel\u201d.<\/p>\n

During 2012, a number of new initiatives were brought online to better serve the cPanel Community in new, and more efficient ways. These include a newly improved Feature Request System<\/a> and the launch of our new interactive Partner NOC Directory<\/a>. <\/p>\n

Gaining more feedback from cPanel\u2019s Partners and also customers from the Community, is something we will be more focused on in 2013, and these tools are just a few of the ways we will accomplish this.<\/p>\n

Here\u2019s a bit more for you about cPanel\u2019s Web Disk Support<\/a>. This was introduced into our product in 2012 and is one of the things I am most excited about! <\/p>\n

cPanel\u2019s Web Disk Support introduces the ability to connect from a computer or mobile device to a cPanel hosting account and manage files. Of the several existing ways for a user to connect to their cPanel account right now, this is another option we feel you\u2019ll find very useful.<\/p>\n

We\u2019ve released the first version of our new cPanel Web Disk client for Android and iOS which has just hit the stores recently. If you\u2019re a Hosting Provider, this new app, maintained and provided free by cPanel, presents a unique opportunity for you to add a new bullet item to your Feature Matrix and compete with file storage companies. We think you\u2019re going to really enjoy the features this app provides you and your clients.<\/p>\n

When cPanel & WHM version 11.34<\/a> rolled out in 2012, it came packed with lots of new features, yes, but it also set in place the groundwork for something we\u2019re sure everyone has an interest in knowing more about, speed. And, we\u2019ve got the goods for you there.<\/p>\n

cPanel & WHM version 11.36 – Built For Speed!<\/a><\/p>\n

More on that, in a moment.<\/p>\n

2012 also provided many unique challenges as we have empowered the entire company with new, more efficient ways to work in the coming year. With the implementation of SCRUM, a refocused marketing team, and new goals set for the company this year, we feel that 2013 is going to be very productive for us all. <\/p>\n

We put a lot of effort into increasing the level of communication internally, in 2012, and we\u2019ve been working on understanding more clearly what is most important to the hosting community as a whole. And, we are continuing to develop processes within cPanel, to make these things come together more cohesively in 2013.<\/p>\n

I have personally been in the hosting industry for 12 years now and it\u2019s important for me to understand my purpose and the impact I can have in the world. It\u2019s what get\u2019s me up early in the morning, and motivated, to make cPanel a better place.<\/p>\n

Just a few weeks ago, we had our annual company meeting. At this meeting I brought together the entire cPanel Staff and introduced them to our new company vision, goals, and core values. We also created a video that answers the two most basic, yet important questions about our employees and this company. <\/p>\n

Why do we exist? and, why is it important? <\/p>\n