As cPanel Conference grows, you’ve expressed interest in new ways to interact and learn, making it a continually evolving experience. We’ve had some fantastic suggestions from you along the way through the feedback survey, and this year we’re able to bring a couple of new things to the table that you’ll love!
Since a lot of the brilliant people attending cPanel Conference enjoy seeing and doing, we’re bringing cPanel Labs to our conference so you can do just that! You requested the opportunity to work with cPanel experts from various departments in a hands on environment and it’s here! You won’t be sitting and watching, you will be doing, and have some new things to incorporate into your own work.
At our conference, cPanel’s development and security teams will have some great sessions, but what if you have a question that you’d like to discuss with them personally? We’re introducing ‘Speed Geeking’, a chance to speak in small groups with experts from different cPanel departments. Here you can address questions that may not have been answered during a session you were able to attend, or even one you weren’t able to. This will also be held on the exhibit floor during the conference.
As always, we’ll have the cPanel Store on the exhibit floor with loads of fun new swag! All of our exhibitors will have plenty of cP Cache to pass out, so stop by and see what they’re all about!
If you want to join in on the discussion about cPanel Conference, and we hope you do, you can find that chat happening here:
For more information about the logistics of the conference, our conference website is: